Monday, May 23, 2011

Loss of a loved cat

We, if fortunate, have that special bond with a few of our kitties in our lives that are dearer than words can express. When they leave our lives we live with the sadness of longing for them once again. 

There is something between you and that special cat where words would not express the conversation flowing between the two of you. The eyes speak. It is a feeling between the two of you that has been formed eons ago. It is a love-love relationship. Only kindness and caring for each other. 

Sweet kitty's soft paw touching your face as you are drifting off to sleep while listening to that special quiet melodic purring.

He is not like a regular cat that you love. He makes up a part that is missing. Whatever that might be.

Although we have become more tenderhearted because of our brief time with our babies, we don't recognize that fact, we simply mourn.

We, can only go on and love more deeply than before. They knew. They know now.

I will always think of my sweet purrboy and remember the look on his face that spoke volumes to me. Rest in peace sweet one. Surely I will hold you again one day.

If you are lonesome for your special kitty cat, stop and remember them and give yourself a break from your sorrow and smile.