Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Not what you are thinking. Although I did paint my kitchen wall a beautiful rich red at the beginning of this year. And was going to paint my other bedroom wall a purple shade but as of now I only have the paint sample tiles :/ Sometimes I hold one up and eyeball as if the wall was painted and somehow I feel satisfied.

As a little girl I pencil drew horses and cats and trees and such. Oh and cars! Loved that! And eyes. Neat. As I lived life I would draw to chill out but I wish I had been devoted. 

My gosh, when I draw a simple cat it finishes as something of a rabbit/man/kangaroo :/ So I only draw one for fear the second would show signs of a fourth entity. Maybe the aliens are communicating with me. Maybe I should publish my drawings so the humans will not be in shock when the aliens surface. Maybe I won't. I will hold one up and eyeball as if the aliens have returned and lessen my shock. 

As one can detect, I am a thinker. I can sit and think for hours. Nothing comes of it but I can say I am a good thinker. I think. I ask myself questions in complete sentences with proper punctuation. Don't ask. I think in color. My abilities are endless. I reply in complete sentences. Even asking the same question twice. Repetition is important. I may have mentioned this before, but I was just thinking about it.

Must now think of painting in color.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Creative and Inventive

People tell me I am creative and inventive. Wish they would tell me about my creations and inventions so I would be informed. Last week I did think of creating a chair seat bun-bouncer. That was after I read about people walking and running in spurts to build their muscles and endurance. Why not do that while sitting in a chair at the computer. The Bun-Bouncer, I just gave it a name, would move each bun up and down as in walking or running. 

By simply thinking about the Bun-Bouncer in my work chair, I can tell you readers that I lost... oh somewhere around 7 or 8 ounces. Yep. Must have. 7 or 8 ounces. Uh-huh.

I baked cup cakes and cinnamon rolls this past weekend...

Every few days I think of something new. New to my brain anyway. Probably already out there. My brain is out there. Like way out. Not far out. That is totally different. 

I was visited by aliens...

Well the week has barely begun and I am off to a great start being creative and inventive. Ummm-hmmm.... hmmm...

My brain is still in weekend mode...

Friday, March 4, 2011


Erie calm lazed upon the earthen ground.
No one knew 'twas day or still of night.
Bewildered eyes met eyes, passersby,
Then wind tore twisting left, then to right,
What er' could become of this present time
Where cometh this freakish stirring might
Arms reaching high, feet departing ground
All by the wind were swept up taking flight.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy March!

So where did January and February go? I seem to remember being in them :/ Today is March 1st and it has arrived with beautiful sunshine and birds singing. Nice. 

Will March fly by? Will I wear green on St. Patrick's Day? Will I set my clocks forward? or backward?? Remains to be seen. I never reset my car clock. Always seems to find the correct time at some point during the year ;) Besides, I can never figure out how to reset it :( Once, I spent hours in my sweet ride trying to reset the clock. I ordered pizza. And a cola. 

I ask myself these questions and many more in full complete sentences. Why not? I only have myself asking me questions. I answer myself in full complete sentences. Polite. A bonus should I ever converse with a human :|

I talk to my cats. They really do not care about full complete sentences. They are just interested if any words out of my mouth end in... "treats". Then they answer me in various tones of meow. I do not know if their reply meows are full complete meow sentences. I believe my cats are smart enough. Just too lazy.

My cats will probably lay out on the back porch in the beautiful sunshine today while I am at the place I go to get money for treats. That ended in "treats"... wonder if my cats are meow answering me :)

Dance Everyday and Blush