Sunday, July 3, 2011

60 How'd I make it here?

If you told me I'd at 40 I'd live to be 60, I would have disagreed.

60 came and I am now a week into it. Can't say as I feel differently. Or am any the wiser. Although I profess to be. 

At 10, I was happy to be in double digits and could not wait for 20.

20, I was puzzled by the big world and the life I was starting.

30, came easily enough but with heavy burdens for my small shoulders to carry.

40, all I remember is my co-worker girls gave me a purse. New one. I always bought from Goodwill and carried a purse until... well my co-workers could not look at it any longer :) 

50, pretty good. Enjoyed those years a great deal. The big life rush suddenly got slower and more enjoyable. 

Then now 60, I have to say I am fine with 60. My son is a wonderful young man. He is a new Daddy now. I am a new Gran.... let's just call me MC... I may be 60, but I am not a grand anything. MC most describes me. MamaCat to my 10 kitty family. Little one can call me MC too :)

I have lovely friends and furriends. My life is filled with blessings. I now more understand... "my cup runneth over"...

I am going to dive into 60 with enthusiasm. Already started. First weekend I took myself out twice for special treats. This weekend my best friend, Lynne, and I went out for a cool beverage and shared a fine steak.

Most what I want to do is laugh and love life. Love and care for my friends. Watch my tiny grandson grow and learn. Enjoy my kitties. I always do :) Travel to new places in this beautiful world. And put my best toward being a better human being to the people I know and meet. 

I think in the end, it will be nice to be remembered by others with a smile :)

Remember to Dance Everyday and Blush...


  1. Debbie! I loved your new post!! And crazy, I just watched Hope Floats last weekend and my fav quote from it is "my cup runneth over". MTUSFL!!! Love you!!!!

  2. Deb, MC... you are a grand person with a grand spirit, grand imagination, and grand heart. Don't sell yourself short. ;)

    <3 Melissa (Obi's mumma)
